Newssheet June 2024

1. Review of the Nature Conservation Act

How to have your say on how we protect native plants, animals and landscapes in the ACT.

The 10-year review of the Nature Conservation Act 2014 (the Act) is underway. The Act provides the legal underpinning for nature conservation policy, management actions and protection of our native species and natural places across the Territory.

The ACT Government is seeking feedback from the public about whether the Act has achieved its objectives over the past decade, and whether the objectives are still relevant.

discussion paper  that identifies key issues and opportunities for improvement within the Act and includes questions is available for your consideration.

The ACT Nature Conservation Strategy is also being reviewed. The Strategy will outline practical steps to achieve the objectives of the Act and ways to measure conservation success. Commentary on the Strategy is also addressed in the discussion paper.

To have your say please see:,natural%20places%20across%20the%20Territory

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Dear valued member of Friends of Canberra Olympic Pool (FoCOP),

Your Pool needs your help.

The wrong-headed proposal to put a football stadium on the site of our historic and cherished pool has been rejected by the current government but remains an idea many continue to promote. The current ACT Government is now proposing to put a convention centre there instead. Fortunately, before this can happen, the ACT must have an election: an ideal time to run a community campaign to Save Canberra Olympic Pool!

Your FoCOP committee has been meeting and discussing avenues to bring community opposition to bear on all of the parties and independents running in this election. We will focus on the seat of Kurrajong, which has both the pool and also the leaders of the three parties in the Legislative Assembly, a very fortunate coincidence.

We have written to all three major political parties, asking them to commit to a clear policy regarding the future of your Pool

In addition to our efforts, we encourage you to raise your voice. Call or text into radio stations and write to newspapers whenever the issue of the Pool, the Stadium or the Convention Centre arises. Post any results of your efforts on Facebook!

We are also planning other actions and events to make all politicians more aware of the high level of support for Canberra Olympic Pool and the strength of community feeling about its future. We strongly encourage you to attend.

All of this requires funding, and as an organisation with $65 in the bank, we need your support! We are asking each FoCOP member to donate $10 towards our campaign, although more would be gratefully received! As we haven’t yet collected any membership fees, the committee has decided that $5 of each contribution you make will be a joining fee, as associations law requires us to charge a joining fee, and $5 will be treated as your 2024 membership fee. Bargain! For good governance reasons we have now registered FoCOP as an Incorporated body and need to cover the costs of that process as well.

Payments can be made to: FOCOP

BSB: 082902 A/c: 303763371

Please ensure that you put your name in the ‘Reference’ box so that we can email you a receipt. Please stay in touch via our Facebook page and our email address Thanks again for your support.

Warm regards,

Terry Slevin President

Friends of Canberra Olympic Pool

2. Canberra Convention and Entertainment Centre precinct update

Please note the following update on the proposed Convention and Entertainment Centre to be sighted on the south-east section of the CBD that includes the current convention centre site and the Canberra Olympic Pool.

Also of note is the assessment by the AIA ACT Chapter Register of Significant Architecture Architecture at

The Statement of Significance includes:

Buildings and structures are integrated with the immediate landscaped park environment. Bright and colourful details form an integral part of the building (the present colour scheme is not the original). Clean, simple structures with well-integrated and expressed details, which contribute to an appropriate overall design for its recreational function. The reinforced concrete diving tower is an impressive design. Won the 1955 Sir John Sulman Award, RAIA NSW Chapter.